November 15, 2017

Breaking Down Indoor Positioning Analytics

Indoor positioning analytics utilize data from Indoor Positioning systems to help you understand your mall traffic better. You can use these analytics to focus ads through an IPS app, to help foot traffic flow better, and to figure out where rents should be raised, among many other tools. Customer Oriented View The clear benefit of […]
November 14, 2017

Benefits of Indoor Positioning System Go Beyond Navigation

The benefits of using an Indoor Positioning System for navigating through a large building are clear. A user can use an Indoor Positioning System just like a GPS, being guided to specific destinations they’ve entered. What are some benefits that go beyond this? We’ll use the example of a mall to demonstrate, but an Indoor […]
November 13, 2017

How to Use Proximity Beacons for IPS

Proximity beacons can be used in conjunction with other manners of gathering position data in an Indoor Positioning System (IPS). To understand how they’re utilized, let’s look at how proximity beacons act on their own: Proximity Beacon System Only You can use a proximity-only system, but this is limited in some of its functionality. Proximity […]
November 10, 2017
Indoor Positioning

How Does Indoor Positioning Really Work?

An Indoor Positioning System (IPS) works in much the same way a Global Positioning System (GPS) does. The difference is, you can’t bring your Garmin in or use a smart phone navigation app built that’s built for roads to find your way around in a mall or warehouse. Indoor Positioning can be used on a […]
June 28, 2017

Businesses and Facilities That Can Benefit from Indoor Positioning Systems

Businesses and Facilities That Can Benefit from Indoor Positioning Systems Think of indoor positioning systems as a kind of GPS for being on foot. Instead of getting directions in a car, you’re given directions for how to walk through a facility. This can help you find a specific location without becoming lost. In turn, avoiding this […]
June 16, 2017
Indoor Positioning Systems Joliet

Indoor Positioning Systems Joliet – A GPS for Complex Locations

Indoor Positioning Systems Joliet – A GPS for Complex Locations We’ve all done it before. We’ve all stood in front of the map to the mall wondering how in the world to get to the shop we want. We already tried one route, but got turned around and lost. Then we thought we saw our […]