Benefits of Indoor Positioning System Go Beyond Navigation
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Indoor positioning analytics utilize data from Indoor Positioning systems to help you understand your mall traffic better. You can use these analytics to focus ads through an IPS app, to help foot traffic flow better, and to figure out where rents should be raised, among many other tools.

Customer Oriented View

The clear benefit of these kinds of analytics rests in providing customers with additional options based on their past behavior. Do they frequent a particular store? Every time they log onto the app, you can feature the latest featured deal from that store. This can help tempt them into returning to their favorite store even if they weren’t going to go there this visit. It can also tempt them into buying something additional if they were already going there.

Beyond this, indoor positioning analytics can identify if a customer walks a particular path through the mall regularly. You can feature deals from stores along this path. When they notice they’re passing the store after they’ve just seen an ad from the store on the IPS app, they’ll be much more likely to go in.

A powerful tool is seeing which stores customers linger outside of, but don’t enter. IPS data can provide that extra push to finally check out the store. If customers regularly visit the mall around dinnertime, for instance, you can incorporate ads for dining establishments in the mall.

Much of these ad-focuses can be automated across specified user habits. There are too many users to tailor analytic responses to each customer. Instead, you can look for common behaviors across users and set responses for these.

The Top-Down View

When it comes to specific stores, you can analyze mall foot traffic to learn when customers are passing by vs. entering. If they linger, that means they’ve seen the store display. Do they enter after lingering or pass on by? What might this say about a store’s display.

Or perhaps it’s evidence that the area is a busy interchange that’s ideal for customers to meet and wait for each other. Areas where customers linger can be utilized in particular ways: adding more ads or increasing the cost of existing ad space. Perhaps you’d like to remove congestion from the area by changing how your mall foot traffic works. In this case, you can figure out other ways to open up the space so traffic can more freely flow.

In this way, indoor positioning analytics provide you information. The decisions are still up to you. Yet if you make a wrong decision, you can very quickly identify this in the analytics process and try a different solution. As malls fight for continued traffic in an age of retail endangerment, this kind of reaction time in response to good and bad decisions can make a crucial difference.