Sound Reinforcement
Choosing The Right Sound Reinforcement System
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Access Control Chicago
The Right Access Control Chicago Systems For Your Business
February 27, 2019

Signage and hoardings have given way to digital signages. Digital signage has inherent advantages that passive printed banners and hoardings lack. It does cost more but has lots of features and can serve a variety of purposes. It depends on the digital signage Chicago system you choose for your business.

Types of digital signage systems

If you are thinking of a digital signage Chicago system then you need to consider various types in order to determine which one best fits in with your business goal and specific needs.

  • Single or multi-color LED scrolling digital signage is generally for ticker tape in stockbroker offices, in restaurants or shops to inform about deals and in public places as well as railway stations to disseminate information.
  • LCD based digital signage stand alone unit with inbuilt USB port or hard disk is mainly for indoors and in shop windows to showcase product demos, display deals or for advertising and promotions in areas like conferences and exhibitions.
  • Interactive touch screen display digital signage can be located inside shops or in exhibitions to inform visitors, promote products and engage people to know more or to buy on the spot.
  • Giant screen LED matrix digital signage for outdoor use. Such displays are usually on buildings or by roadside and can be real attention getters. Matrix LED digital signage are to display full videos or slide shows or just plain text.
  • Wi-Fi or internet connected remote controlled and programmable digital display signages are ideal for for mass promotions or information dissemination.
  • Simple LCD digital signages are installed in offices and institutions to inform and alert employees as well as visitors. Digital signage in banks, for instance, offers customers information about packages and also displays token numbers.

CES digital signage consultation, supply, installation and maintenance

Commercial electronic systems Chicago assists businesses in selecting the right type and size of digital signage Chicago after considering the end purpose and then installing it in the right place for perfect viewability. The final choice of system may depend on budget or end use or both.

What all you can do with digital signage

  • Digital signage is versatile and is in use in different ways in your business.
  • Restaurants may display tempting photographs and videos of dishes on offer and their menus. They may make it interactive so that guests can walk in, select their choice and then sit back and have their order delivered well in time.
  • Offices and businesses may use digital signage to inform employees. They may use it in the reception area to showcase product video demos.
  • Schools, institutions and stadiums may use digital signage to enhance visitor experience besides displaying notifications.
  • You can link digital signage with surveillance cameras and also make it part of the audio visual systems Chicago.


Possibilities are endless. It is up to you to make maximum use to get maximum returns.