audio visual system
Avoid These Expensive Audio Visual System Mistakes
September 26, 2018
Fire Alarm System
Five Things to Do When Installing a Fire Alarm System
October 2, 2018

A life safety system is one of the most essential features in any commercial establishment. Because an office building deals with hundreds of people every day, even the smallest threat can endanger many lives.

But more important than having such a security system in place is to make sure you have got it all right. The following mistakes are the most common when it comes to life safety systems.

  1. Using an outdated system for years without replacing it. As times and needs change, technologies adapt and advance accordingly. If you are still using an age-old life safety system, you aren’t providing your staff with the best security.
  2. Not assessing the system every once in a while. A life safety system isn’t used all the time, so it spends most of its life unused. Without constant use, the system may not remain efficient any longer. Therefore, it is vital to have regular assessment of the system to make sure it works when needed.
  3. Installing the system without a definite goal. A life safety system has several features rolled into one. You must know which features you need and which ones you don’t. Not knowing which features you want will provide you with several unwanted features and be a waste of money.

Some features like a fire alarm is highly essential, but some other features of the system may not be used at all. This can also lead the whole system to lose its efficacy over time.

  1. Choosing the cheapest option. Trying to save money isn’t unwise but going for the cheapest deal often is. No technology ever benefits from being cheap, particularly when it comes to life safety systems.

There are several problems that can manifest itself with a cheap and low grade system. It may not work when needed. It may give false alarms.

It may break down often and require expensive repairs. It may not have a long lifespan. Although you may save money in installation, frequent repairs and maintenance costs can result in higher expenses.

No one gets the job done like CES Complete!

Life safety systems are vital for the security of the property as well as the people. If the system fails to work when it’s needed, there’s not any point installing a life safety system. That is why when choosing and installing the system, it is wiser to choose a successful and terrific company like CES Complete for maximum peace of mind.