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June 13, 2018
What a Fire Alarm Monitoring Service Covers
June 18, 2018

The size of a facility can completely change the CCTV camera installation you choose. For example: CCTV for a retail store will be very different from CCTV for a warehouse. Everything’s fairly close and centralized in the store. This make certain types of CCTV installation easier and more practical. Things are very spaced out in a warehouse that may encompass several buildings. The same kind of centralization for various components won’t work.


CCTV for a Compact Facility


CCTV for a retail store or another kind of business that’s fairly centralized doesn’t have the same cabling headache that a larger facility may have. They have completely different cabling headaches. You may choose to go with an analog CCTV installation because the cabling will be easier to implement and require much less work. It has less space to run across – a few yards instead of hundreds of yards. IP CCTV requires a lot of bandwidth use, so you may also choose an analog set-up because you don’t want to support that kind of constant bandwidth use.


At the same time, IP offers advantages. You don’t have to interrupt business opening up the wall or ceiling to run cabling during CCTV camera installation. That bandwidth is also easier to maintain in a tight space where you don’t need signal boosting.


CCTV for a Large Facility


When it’s not installed as the facility’s being built, it’s often easier to go with IP here. The advantage is that you don’t have to run several hundred feet of cable. The key is keeping cables off the ground, or else they’re easy to cut. This makes IP ideal…as long as you’re able to maintain the bandwidth for every camera in the area to transmit properly.


This makes IP a good solution for a facility that has some verticality. CCTV for a warehouse may be different. A series of sprawling warehouse buildings may find maintaining good bandwidth access across the entire facility is difficult. Here, the extra cabling may be worth the initial investment because it’s a fire-and-forget approach. You don’t need to constantly maintain bandwidth across such a large campus.

There are no cut-and-dry solutions for either. There are too many variations. This is why you need a security company experienced in CCTV installation. We handle CCTV for a wide range of businesses with an even wider range of needs, we train your staff on how to use the system, and we maintain and check our products regularly so that you aren’t left on your own.