A mass notification system allows your business to easily notify employees and coordinate a plan in case of crisis or disaster. It has many benefits that help you manage a crisis from a centralized location. A mass notification system is designed to communicate messages out to any and all devices at once, meaning it can text, e-mail, message, and even call employees to notify them of the emergency. It’s easy to tie it in to many other elements of your business. What can you do from here?
Firstly, you can pre-program the system for specific events: a natural disaster, server failure, data breach, or ransomware attack. This way you can marry a mass notification system to your disaster recovery plan. Also, have messages that are already written to be sent out depending on the circumstance.
As you make adjustments to your plan and coordinate on the fly, you can manage your threat response. You can segment out certain communications to go to certain teams, meaning it’s easy to manage how every element of your organization is responding form one central interface.
This is crucial for larger corporations. A mass notification system helps you manage personnel in the office, telecommuting, and at other locations. Not only this, but you can add communications to partner businesses.
Response time is lower when you can communicate this way from a single interface. Calling frantically or checking if different personnel have received various messages wastes the time you need to be spending managing the situation, not chasing after personnel. You can confirm receipt of messages so that you know where each and every one of your employees stands.
You can contain facts and limit gossip. By managing the information, you keep everyone on task instead of conjecturing together. Also, you can easily delegate jobs that get you back on track.
Mass notification systems exceed regulatory requirements in many industries. This allows you to easily meet compliance needs that help keep your business safe.