Have You Prepared Your Fire Sprinklers for Winter?
April 2, 2018
Technician Lead Generation – First Quarter
April 4, 2018

Any successful industry spawns a few copycat businesses that seek to make a buck on popular trends. Security and advertising technology are no different. There are some important things to keep in mind when you purchase digital signage technology, or security technology like access control or a CCTV system.


Day One Ready


Make sure that the system you get is ready to go from Day One. For instance, let’s say you purchase digital signage hardware, but then you discover you need to upgrade your hardware and software in order to run it. That adds a few hundred dollars on top of what you already spent. And how are you supposed to know? The business you worked with is supposed to be the digital signage expert, not you. They should have made costs clear before any work was done or equipment bought.


CES approaches our work from an infrastructure standpoint. We’ve done complex communications work for stadiums and school campuses. If you want digital signage, then we don’t just sell you the equipment and let you wrestle around in the dark with it.


Service and Support


We’ll make sure you’re fully set up to capably operate that digital signage solution from Day One. If you need to upgrade your PC to run the signage player, we’ll let you know before you’re on the hook for anything. We’ll make sure we’ve done some training with you on it so that you have a familiarity with operating the technology. We winterize outdoor equipment. We’ll run maintenance checks.


We don’t make our money by selling something incomplete and disappearing. We’re a member of this community. We operate successfully as a business by developing relationships. If you’re happy with your digital signage and the ongoing support we give you, we know you’ll talk to us when it comes to upgrading your access control system, or implementing intercom technology, or upgrading to digital or IP for a more efficient CCTV system.


Advertising and security technology are too important to play games with. They’re the technologies that grow and protect your business, and they’re the foundation on which our reputation is built. You should always ask, no matter who you work with, that whatever system is being installed is really ready to go from Day One. If you have any doubts or worries, give us a call.